Our very own Youhanna Al-Tawil, MD and Madden Wilson, RDN have published an article detailing our experience transitioning children from a hypoallergenic formula (extensively hydrolyzed or amino acid based) to a pea protein plant based formula. This retrospective study was completed during the formula shortage that occurred in 2022. Many of our young patients struggle with cow’s milk protein allergy (CPMA) and use hypoallergenic formulas to provide nutrition. Often times, children outgrow this allergy around one year of age but many of our patients continue to use hypoallergenic formulas into toddler years or beyond due to ongoing symptoms of cow’s milk allergy.
Pea protein formulas, while not considered “hypoallergenic”, can provide another option for those with CMPA as they do not contain any cow’s milk protein. These formulas contain yellow pea protein instead of cow’s milk protein. The protein is intact or partially hydrolyzed. During our research, we found the pea protein formulas can be a suitable option for those with cow’s milk protein allergy.
Additionally, some of our patients use extensively hydrolyzed or amino acid based formulas for conditions outside of CMPA including malabsorption, poor weight gain, and general formula intolerance. Sometimes, we see children who required one of these formulas as an infant and were never transitioned to a standard protein formula due to a variety of reasons. During our research, we found that many patients who previously had intolerance to standard protein formulas were able to tolerate a pea protein plant based formula. Currently in 2024, hypoallergenic formulas are readily available. For that, we are so thankful because we have many patients who do require these formulas in infancy and beyond. However, we are also glad to have had this experience and data to show that switching to a pea protein plant based formula can sometimes be well tolerated. Pea protein plant based formulas can be more affordable than some hypoallergenic formulas. They are also often premixed and may be better accepted orally compared to hypoallergenic formulas.
You can read the full research article here.
If you would like more information about what formula is best for your child, please schedule an appointment with our dietitian, Madden Wilson today!